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Networking Essentials Online Course

UrukTech announce the “Networking Essentials Online Course” for all its customers and knowledge seekers all around Iraq. The course targets an audience of different knowledge backgrounds with basic understanding of how to use a computer and browse the internet. A certificate will be awarded at all participants upon finishing the course with a minimum 70 grades.

The course will start on the 21/9/2018 and it will conduct during 20 lectures, 5 weeks, daily at 5:00PM.

The admission fees for the course is 99,000 IQD and the application form available on UrukTech’s Online Courses portal. Also there is an optional fees (25,000 IQD) for registration in CISCO Academy.

التسجيل مفتوح الان للدروة التدريبية الاولى الاون لاين في اساسيات الشبكات. دورة تدريبة تقدم من خلال الانترنت بنظام خاص عالمي، الدورة ستغطي منهج شركة CISCO وتشمل محاضرات عملية ونظرية. الدورة التدريبية تبدأ في يوم 2018/9/21 وتستمر 20 محاضرات على مدى 5 اسابيع في الساعة 9:00 مساءاً.

تكلفة الاشتراك في الدورة التدريبية هي 99,000 دينار عراقي والتسجيل للمشاركة في الدورة يتم عبر الاستمارة الالكترونية المتوفرة في نظام التسجيل الالكتروني الخاص بالشركة. هنالك اجور اختيارية اضافية قدرها 25,000 دينار عراقي للتسجيل في اكاديمية CISCO يمكن لأي طالب دفعها والتسجيل حيث ان التسجيل في الاكاديمية سيتيح للمسجل الدخول لمجتمع CISCO والمشاركة في الامتحانات والتدريبات والحصول على شهادات بشكل مباشر.

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Course Description
This course teaches the fundamentals of networking by covering how devices communicate on a network, network addressing and network services, how to build a home network and configure basic security, the basics of configuration Cisco devices, and testing and troubleshooting network problems. The course has many features to help students understand these concepts.

Curriculum Objectives
The goal of this course is to introduce the student to networking, network service and device configuration, and Cisco routers and switches. The online course materials will assist the student in communicating their knowledge and desire to learn more about networking and pursue a networking career.
Upon completion of the Networking Essentials course, students will be able to perform the following tasks:
– Explain how end-user devices and local networks interact with the global Internet.
– Explain the requirements for network connectivity.
– Build a small network using an integrated network router.
– Explain the importance of IP addressing.
– Explain how the protocols of the TCP/IP suite enable network communication.
– Configure an integrated wireless router and wireless clients to connect securely to the Internet.
– Configure basic network security.
– Build a simple computer network using Cisco devices.
– Troubleshoot common network issues found in home and small business networks.

Course Syllabus – منهج الدورة التدريبية

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